




Solutions for High voltage cable fault diagnosis

[Keywords]  Cable Fault Mixed Line Online Monitoring Traveling Wave Position Fault Position Hidden Danger Warning

With an annual growth rate exceeding 10%, cable lines are prone to faults due to factors like insulation aging, moisture ingress, and mechanical damage. The complexity of cable installation and the high intensity of maintenance result in extended power outages and significant societal impact. Therefore, accurately and swiftly identifying fault locations is of utmost importance for enhancing repair speed and improving power supply reliability.




      This solution utilizes the double-end traveling wave positioning technology. Monitoring terminals are installed on both ends of the cable body and the sheath to monitor discharge hazards, fault traveling wave currents, and power-frequency currents in real-time. Waveform data is transmitted to the data center via wired or wireless connections for analysis and diagnosis. This approach ensures precise fault localization, fault interval positioning, and early warning of discharge hazards, facilitating efficient maintenance, clearing responsibilities and enhancing proactive warning capabilities. In contrast to traditional offline monitoring, it offers real-time online monitoring, convenient fault handling, and high localization accuracy.




l Technical indicators

Fault interval localization accuracy:≥95%

positioning error:5m

Power supply: coupling+solar power/AC220V

l Application

      Applicable to 35kV and above cable lines (also applicable to 500kV high voltage cables). Widely used in T-connection lines, mixed frame lines, critical infrastructure lines, backup Power Lines, etc.


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Address:Weilai zhi guang Industry Park,No. 3 Guanggu Boulevard, East Lake High-tech Development Zone,Wuhan City, Hubei Province,China.

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